Friday, 8 January 2016

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started..." - Mark Twain

What do you want from 2016?

Last week as the clock struck midnight and we rolled into January 1st, what one thing did you silently promise yourself that you would achieve this year?

We knew.

After a long look back over the last 12 months and a few days of caffeine-fuelled planning we knew the thing we wanted - to better communicate our message, and by doing so to help other companies grow their business. In 2016 we want to help our clients and friends to out-market, out-grow and out-perform their targets AND their competitors; our success is their success.

And so here we are... our first blog post!

In this blog we'll be posting news and updates, business advice, tax tips and general goings-on at Carthy HQ.

Along with our popular Twitter and Facebook and our brand new YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram (details to follow soon!) we plan to make our business 100% accessible - including a regular email newsletter packed full of useful tricks, tips and success stories of businesses that we know are set to thrive in 2016.

It's an exciting time for us too, as we embark on a new project to extend our offices and establish ourselves as Stafford’s leading business growth accountants. Below is a couple of images of our current office space following our move to 33 Eastgate St last year - we're really proud of what we have done so far, and look forward to having the extension ready in the next couple of months.

If you're a client or friend who hasn't yet visited then give us a call and stop by for a chat. If you're a business interested in increasing profits and growing during 2016 and want to come in for a FREE business consultation then contact us via the form on our blog page or call 01785 248 939 and find out what we can do to help you succeed this year.

We look forward to hearing from you soon,

Michael Carthy

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